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My World of Pendulums

How many times in your life have you felt like you’re at a crossroads and need guidance on which direction to take? Or have been unsure on what’s the right thing to do? I think we can all say that we have had moments of indecisiveness in our lives and could have benefited from getting the answers we need from elsewhere. Trusting yourself and your own intuition is sometimes a difficult thing to achieve. But there are tools that you can use within your own spiritual journey that can help you better receive the messages you need and guide you in the right direction.

A pendulum might be a new concept to you or maybe it’s something you’ve been interested in for a while but you’ve never quite been sure how to use them. Today on the Crystal Vibes Perth Blog we are here to defunct some of the mystery around pendulums and give you a brief understanding on how you can start using yours in your everyday life.

What is a pendulum?

Before you start trying to use a pendulum it’s important to understand what a pendulum is. They’re pretty distinctive when you see one, you might even remember the concept of a pendulum from year 10 science class (but we promise, this isn’t a science lesson). When speaking about pendulums in relation to metaphysics the most basic explanation of what a pendulum looks like is a triangular-looking crystal connected to a chain of some sort. It is a tool that you can use in your spiritual journey that helps you connect to your higher self by asking questions. Whilst mystical, the pendulum responds to your own body’s energetic field in conjunction with your higher self and intuition. It provokes a jerk reflex in your arm and wrist that allows the pendulum to move in a certain direction to answer your questions. Once you’re connected with your pendulum you should be able to find the answers, clarity or raise your awareness to questions and situations in your life.

How do I choose my pendulum?

Just like when you’re choosing crystals, there is no right or wrong answer in choosing a pendulum. Trusting your instincts and going with the pendulum that speaks to you is the best way to make sure you chose the right one for you. The type of crystal your pendulum is made out of will help if you require guidance for something specific such as communication, love, self worth and intuition.

Getting to know your pendulum

When you first start to use a pendulum it’s important to connect yourself to it in order to receive the answers you need. Your pendulum connects to your energy and will connect based on your energy at the exact moment you’re using it. It is important the first few times you use it to really get to know the swing of your pendulum working with your energy field.

How to begin using your pendulum

The more time you spend practicing and honing your craft with the pendulum the more intune with it you will become. It is important to cleanse your pendulum after you purchase it, after you have used it on someone else, it’s not swinging freely or when it has been locked away. You will find it doesn’t work properly if they aren’t cleansed back to their neutral state. Salt, moonlight, selenite, clear quartz, sunlight, soil or sound are all fantastic ways to bring your pendulum back to neutral. Once it’s been cleansed here are some simple steps to begin using your pendulum;

Focus your mind and energy

Free your mind from internal and external noise. Do not multitask, relax and focus your energy on connecting with the pendulum.

Learn your pendulums signals

You need to learn how your pendulum is going to speak to you. This means learning its ‘yes’ and ‘no’. The simplest way to do this is to hold your pendulum in your dominant hand and have the chain between your thumb and index finger. Ask the pendulum “show me a yes’ and ‘show me a no’. Some common ways this can be shown to you includes
– Back to front (similar to a head nod, which is common for ‘yes’)
– Side to side (similar to a head shake, which is common for no)
– Clockwise circle
– Counterclockwise circle
Treat your pendulum like it’s a part of you that you need to get to know. Take the time to learn about it and let it learn about you.

Verify your signals

When it comes to getting started with your pendulum, you need to verify the trustworthiness of your programmed signals. So before you begin getting to questions you want answers for, do a few simple test questions. These can be as simple as “is the sky blue?” “is my name Jane?”. This will allow you to verify a yes is a yes and a no is a no. If your answers are not coming out right, you need to go back and spend some more time learning your pendulums signals.

Ask your question

Once your programming is done, you can get to the fun stuff – the questions! When asking questions make sure you ask them as specially as you can. The question needs to be able to be answered with a yes or a no.

Your answer

Your pendulum might not give you an answer straight away. Be patient and keep focused on the question at hand. Make sure you put your energy to receive a clear, unbiased answer. When your pendulum begins to swing observe its direction or movement. This is your answer. If the movement is unclear, rephrase the question and ask again. In instances where your pendulum is swinging with great force, it’s answering loudly. Where it lacks force this might be a sign that it’s a less committed response.

When the pendulum swings, look at it – observe its direction. This is your answer. If it doesn’t move right away, give it time, or if it’s unclear what the signal is, try rephrasing the question and do it again. When the pendulum swings with great force, it’s answering loudly. If it swings with only light force, you can interpret this as a quiet, perhaps less committed response. The more you practice, the more you will learn about your pendulum and the type of responses it is giving.

Clear the pendulum

When you’ve received the answer to your question it is important to clear the pendulum. You do this by touching the tip of the stone to the palm of your free hand or on another surface. This will signal to the pendulum that your question has been answered and you’re ready to move on to the next question.

Where to go from here

Your interest in pendulums is not accidental. If you’re being drawn to learn about them and their use it’s probably for a reason. If you’re still searching for your perfect pendulum, check out the Crystal Vibes Perth range of pendulums or follow along on our Instagram for more insight into how to use your pendulum.


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