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Tigers Eye Red Crystal Tumbled

Original price was: $6.00.Current price is: $2.00.

Tigers Eye Red Crystal Tumbled

* In some cases product images are not an exact match for the product itself. Especially with crystals which can have subtle changes in shade and size. 

15 in stock

This is Tigers Eye Red Crystal Tumbled. Is a stone of passion and stimulation.

Brings energies of vibrancy and vitality, and of enhancing integrity of self and can be very grounding. Will provide you with a boost toward prosperity.

Emotional Connection: Calm your mind and ease your anxieties over things to come

Spiritual Connection: It will also give you spiritual protection and improve your luck. 

Chakra: Base and Sacral

Zodiac Sign : Capricorn

SKU T171 Categories ,

Additional information

Weight 13 g
Dimensions 2.5 × 2.5 × 1.5 cm
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