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Nundoorite Crystal Tumbled (each)


Nundoorite Crystal Tumbled (each)

* In some cases product images are not an exact match for the product itself. Especially with crystals which can have subtle changes in shade and size. 

1 in stock

This a  Nundoorite Crystal Tumbled. The crystal of new beginnings and better perception.

Emotional Connection: A perfect stone for social anxiety as it keeps you grounded and calm.

Spiritual Connection: A must have for all empaths. It is extremely helpful in cases of psychic attack or negative thinking and repairs the aura after energetic hooks and entities have been removed.

Chakra : Heart and Base

Zodiac: Pisces, Libra and Leo

SKU T50 Categories ,

Additional information

Weight 23 g
Dimensions 2.5 × 2.5 × 1.5 cm
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