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Crystal Compass Book by Aisha Amarfio

Original price was: $34.95.Current price is: $15.00.

Crystal Compass Book by Aisha Amarfio

* In some cases product images are not an exact match for the product itself. Especially with crystals which can have subtle changes in shade and size. 

1 in stock

The Crystal Compass provides an easy to use map that helps you diagnose the root cause of any tension you might be experiencing, so you can select the crystal and healing method you need, that will lead to a true holistic healing and soulful transformation.

Select the crystal and harness the power to:

  • Transmute tension, stress, disharmony and release old patterns.
  • Unlock your wisdom and intuitive power.
  • Reclaim your power and follow your soul path.
  • Nourish your health and vitality.
  • Cleanse, protect and raise the vibration of your environment.
SKU BO75 Categories , ,

Additional information

Weight 320 g
Dimensions 13 × 2 × 21 cm
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