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Black Tourmaline and Rose Quartz Crystal Bracelet


Black Tourmaline and Rose Quartz Crystal Bracelet

* In some cases product images are not an exact match for the product itself. Especially with crystals which can have subtle changes in shade and size. 

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This is Black Tourmaline and Rose Quartz Crystal Bracelet.

Black Tourmaline – Its one of the most powerful crystals for protection and the elimination of negative energy. This stone helps to absorb electromagnetic energy and protects against radiation, psychic attacks and negative energy of all kinds. It is symbolic of letting go and releasing what no longer serves you. Great for inspiration.

Rose Quartz – Releasing grief, attracting love, unexpressed emotions are easily released, opening your heart to receive love, self-forgiveness and acceptance.

Star Signs – Libra, Taurus

SKU B116 Categories ,

Additional information

Weight 21 g
Dimensions 8.5 × 8.5 × 0.5 cm
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